
zondag 10 juni 2012

Kop-hals-romp boerderij. Explanation for Susan.

Susan from Texas is wondering what  a kop-hals-romp-boerderij is.
Dear Susan, thank you for your comment on my blog.
This crazy word is the name of a type of farmhouse. 
You can find an english explanation here.
Nederlandse lezers kunnen hier lezen over het ontstaan van dit type boerderij.
The name "Head-Neck-body farmhouse" has its origin in its resemblance with a cow 
lying down in the grass!

I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Happy quilting,

1 opmerking:

  1. Marina,
    Thank you so much for this post! I really enjoyed seeing these pictures. My imagination did not come up with anything like these farmhouses. And a post in English? How very kind of you. 8)

    Thanks again,
    Susan in Texas
